There are still several available positions for boys and girls to attend the 10-day Devil Pup Encampment at the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base.
Attendees will depart on Thursday July 21 and graduation will be Saturday July 30. This program is supported entirely by donations, established in 1954, and involves a “boot camp” type program for youth ages 14-17.

A devil pup takes part in a 35 foot tower jump into a pool.
*photo courtesy of google images
Candidates must be highly motivated to attend of their choice, in good physical condition (a qualifications test will be given), in good health (requires a physical exam conducted within the last year), and free of asthma. Boys will receive a “boot camp” haircut – girls will put their hair “up.”
Time is short! Any interested youngsters are encouraged to have his or her parent or guardian contact Colonel Keith (USMC – Retired) ASAP at 909-224-5682.