A Facebook idea known as the “Safe Harbor” initiative took off recently to show support of law enforcement everywhere by adding a blue line to your curb, where the street address is painted and the back of your vehicles.
This line can be easily done with painters tape and shows your support of our police nationwide, not just in Glendora. Many residents have been adding them to their curbs, cars and soon business windows.

A lady in Texas putting painters tape on her car in support of law enforcement
The “Thin Blue Line” typically refers to police officers. It is due to our brave officers being the fine line between order and anarchy.
While recent events in our country have created great divide, GCN would like to offer a way for our community to stand above the rest, show our support of law enforcement and be part of the solution.
While there may be great debate as to how we handle these differences as a country, support for our men and women in uniform needs to be unwavering.
The “Safe Harbor” initiative was started on Facebook by a small business owner by the name of Anthony Welichko. With over 65,000 shares by Sunday, it has spread quickly over the last 10 months. In the next week GCN is hoping our community gets on board.
A post from the Safe Harbor Initiative page read:
“To all law enforcement who see this line, know that the residents of this home appreciate your service and dedication to keeping the peace. Know that when you enter the neighborhood and see these lines that you are not alone or without “back-up”. We do not need the media to make our voices of support for our police and emergency services heard (though it would be nice). Lastly, if you are in my neighborhood and mean to harm a member of law enforcement, know that decision may be hazardous to you health as someone has that officers back!”