After many frustrating occurrences of packages and mail getting stolen in the last few months, chalk one up for the good guys.
Alert neighbors in the area of Lone Hill Avenue and Petunia Street called the Glendora Police Department to report potential package thieves in the area Thursday evening, just before 6pm.
A teenage resident witnessed them taking a package off of a neighbors porch and told her mother at the same time another neighbor noticed them taking a package off of another porch, according to an eye witness who posted on social media.
One of the neighbors followed the suspects in a vehicle and called police while giving them the location of the suspects.
GPD arrived quickly and were able to apprehend a van full of suspects. Witnesses told GCN it appeared there may have been four arrested but Glendora Police have not confirmed that as of this story.
Residents who witnessed the search of the older model silver Chevrolet Astro Van noted it appeared officers recovered numerous stolen packages in a search of the vehicle.

Surveliance photo of suspect who took package of antique luggage on Palm Drive. *Photo courtesy of resident
Just last week, in the 600 block of East Palm Drive, another package thief took a surprise birthday gift for a 65 year-old man.
His children had bought him a set of antique luggage valued at around $200 when a male suspect took the FedEx package it was delivered in.
That suspect was caught on camera and Glendora Police are investigating. The children were devastated that someone would take such a special gift they were excited to give to their father.
If you recognize the suspect in the photo, please call GPD at 626-914-8250.